Sunday, April 3, 2011

"pokku varavu" 

                  I made a trip to trivandrum on 20110329 and rather than going to the rendezvous at enikkara as the pimps and their sub-agents would have anticipated I took a devious route to the village office at vattappara. This place had not been vetted as yet and the staff were very nice to me. My case was pending and they said I can even try to put in a word with the village officer.

                         The officer was away on duty and I when he came back in the after noon I told him about my predicament. He was surprised when I told him that my case was pending for more than one month and asked for the records and showed me that the application for the “pocku-varavu” was handed over to them only on march 10 more than twenty days after the registration on feb 17 !

                          I must have cut a very sorry figure; all this time while I was being told that the document will be available in one week, four days and all the application was not even filed and crude comments were being made about the village office staff.

How come ?

                      I dont have any definite information on this; but my conjectures are as good as solemn truths. As I mentioned earlier the indian pimp is going to "pokk" me tomorrow/wednes day/ fri day (and it goes on endlessly) Right at the moment it is sunday specifically so as the village office had told me on 29 that the document ought to be ready on this monday. It could be that the obliging trivandrumites had dutifully followed the “E”man's dictates and waited time and again before handing over the application. I do not see any other valid reason for the delay.

                      The crux of the matter is that there is a caucus  operating with its head quarters at aluva. Any body who has got anything to do with me will be taken to aluva by the NUNNA SEKHARANs ( that is a new name i have coined for the members of the indian pimp service ),  initiated into pimpdom and will be recruited as a subagent of the indian pimps . All sorts of offices are there like those who are to pretend as my “friend” and act as a mole; those who take charge of the appointment as my “relative”  vagaairah, vagairah!

                  I have already paid the cost of the land and now I will be pokkalled by airmail” . The land will come in the hands of the “relatives”. The relatives will not want to keep the land in far off thiruvananthapuram and so immediately I am “pokkalled by air mail” you can buy it back at half the price and sell it again: how about that? If you have the pokku varavu and even the last tax receipt with you it will be simply not be possible to sell the plot to anyone else.

reserving a seat from the 

              I have made plans to go to trivandrum and collect the revenue document personally if possible on 20110404. It looks the indian pimp service has other ideas as evidenced perhaps by the following incident.

               and the incident goes like this - on 20110401 I had been to ernakulam south railway station to book a seat in the second class compartment of train no. 16341 on 20110404. And at counter no. IV I was told there were no seats available. I was a bit disappointed and turned back.

                  There is some thing called senior quota for those aged sixty and above and I thought I might enquire about that. The person at the enquiry counter told me there is no senior quota for the train 16341 but added that even otherwise seats were vacant in that train on that particular day and was wondering how come I was told that no seats were available.

                Then this lady found out from me at which counter I was refused, took pains to came over to the particular window 4 which was not her concern at all and got the ticket booked on her own the other person had shut down immediately after attending me. All I could do in return was to thank her profusely and express my very sincere gratitude.
Now how come I was denied the seat earlier? 
                There is a theoretical possibility that in the couple of minutes of my being refused a ticket and the lady at the enquiry checking the computer there was a bulk cancellation large enough to cater to accommodate all those in the waiting list and even then make seats vacant – possible but not probable.

                The members of the indian pimp service, the NUNNA SEKHARANs, were, as usual, tagging along from the locality where I am staying onwards and the railway station had been sanitised - I in deed had talked to some one on the phone about making the trip. They must have been really irritated for my moves in ernakulam that day were not at all those anticipated. I had been to the registration ig's office in ernakulam ( there was no prior information about this ) and then rather than go to the railway station as would be expected I had gone to manorama office and it was quite some time before I landed up in the railway station booking reservation counter. It looks the females whom the pimps take along as cover ( the easiest way you can fix an unattached male over here now a days is to make a complaint of “yon shoshan ) had been dispersed after a long wait.

                       initially when my turn came in the queue of window no.4, the man had returned my application for I had not filled in the particulars fully. And once I did this and went back the fellow was waiting just for me without closing the window, which he did immediately I left. I thought it was so sweet of him. But the actual fact could be that he had been entrusted with the job of telling me that no seats were available.

              by the way, most of the time I go to the ernakulam town station to get the reservation done my seat will be 42 in 16341. so I tried a trick – rather than writing my second name I wrote my first name; and it worked – this time I allotted some other seat. Could be sheer coincidence; but it could also be a nincompoop (syn. Keralite ) trying to show off his “abilities” at computing.

                So I presume there was an effort to sabotage my trip on 20110404 - there is no need!

                   The long and short of it is that it is very much possible that even on monday 20110404 I will not be able to get hold of the document and start the house construction.
Will I be surprised ?
Not at all.

             You remember what happened to my pc monitor. All it had initially was an electrical problem and the fellow went on telling me he will deliver it on wednes day/ friday/ next week dragged on for almost three months. Ultimately this subagent also got tired and he had to deliver it to me. I took it to a shop I knew and they said nothing can be done about it for many critical parts were missing. i brought another monitor paying 4000 INR.
could be this sort of a fate is awaiting me here as well.

Am I worried ? 
Of course I am;
               but that is not the end of the world - i have plan B, making a temporary shelter and shifting my things and myself to that make shift set up - that you can do even without the pokkuvaravu document.

                  You must remember that I am an ex-service person in the real sense of the term. In my slightly more than ten years service I was in field for all seven years and that includes one and half years in high altitude leave alone the uncongenial climate areas and I feel the survival techniques will stand in good stead if such an eventuality comes up.

             To sum it up: I won't be surprised if I do not get the document on monday as well for the village office can always change their mind or they can me made to change their mind – just one hint from the gestapi will be enough.

             But rest assured if I am not in trivandrum on 20110404 I am in the local police lock-up sleeping naked ( I dont put on undies) or in a padded cell in a lunatic asylum.
it could also be i over slept and missed the train



             the action now shifts to trivandrum -15 and you can see the "nunna sekharans" in large numbers concentrating on that area from now on.

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