Wednesday, April 13, 2011


just a  formality

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the temporary structure
modified 20110413

you might find the above structure coming up in a week's time and me getting out of the vala (trap) my dear "friend" had set up for me here in kzh. So the local “gentry” keen on manhandling me and the essai “E man” going to “pokk” me will have to put together their acts fast; do not say later on that I did not warn you.

and even in putting up the temporary structure, shanker, i do not expect a smooth passage.   shanker - not very sure exactly what it is. as far as my memory goes, it is some thing like bunker that i came across in my NCC days - one year junior NCC  ( i belong to the first bunch of cadets of Mahe de La Bourdonnais College, LB College for short, Mahe, south india) and  two years senior NCC ; holds certificate B.

: the builders might refuse or put up a pretext for postponing the construction;  local goons can be arranged to scare the workers away - any thing is possible in my case.

but every eventuality is being catered for.
as usual i have plan c ready in case plan b fails.
( plan a - amaarBaadi; plan b – shanker

i will pitch up a tent;
and that i can do on my own.

gestapi gesture 00

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project cloister
more pictures